Sam Ducats Support Letter

Friday, October 1, 2010

Greetings Fellow Earthlings and Believers in Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of the Living God, Creator of Heaven and Earth!
I beseech you my brother’s and sisters in Christ, to lend me a moment of your precious time on this planet, and to hear my request of you. For this is an opportunity for you to join in support of me and an amazing ministry that I am so excited to be a part of.
Have I got your attention? Are you listening? Okay, thanks!
Now, here it is…. YWAM! Say what? ….You heard me …. YWAM!
No, I am not trying to sound like a super hero like Superman or Batman, but I have a Savior who is the most Awesome, Super, Amazing Hero for all of mankind! Jesus!
YWAM is the short way to say: Youth with a Mission! (You could put in a link to some info about YWAM)Here we celebrate Jesus, and we train those who are so excited about knowing Jesus as their Savior that they want to help spread the Good News about him to others around the planet!
Isn’t that great? Now wait, I’m just getting to the good part.
You can be a part of this great ministry at too! How you ask?
You can check us out by there is a link at the bottom of this page
right before the big pictures.
Then come back and finish reading how you can help!
Okay, now that you’ve come this far, and you now know what and where YWAM is, would you consider helping me through your loving and caring support? Yes, I am asking you to share some of the blessings that God has given you to help me to be able to stay at this YWAM campus and continue helping the staff here to train new and eager believers to become missionaries.
Who am I? and What do I do here? Well thanks for asking!
I am Sam

I have been at the Northwoods Campus for 5 years! I first came to YWAM as a student in September 2005 when I enrolled in the DTS – Discipleship Training School and then the SBF School of Biblical Foundations in the Spring of 2006. After my training I decided to stay on at the Northwoods campus as a staff member to help with various jobs such as maintenance and grounds keeper, as well as mentor new students here. I also have been mentoring local youth both here on campus and at the nearby community center. I have been on 4 outreach trips. My first year we went to Turkey and then three others trips to Thailand. I love going on outreach and helping the children and people with their basic needs such as food, housing, and education. I enjoy playing games with the kids and was even able to use my Boy Scout skills in helping with their local Scouts Jamporee! That was so cool!
To be on staff here at Youth With A Mission Northwoods I need to raise support for myself. There is a staff fee of $140 per month that I have to pay. This covers everything except for Internet and phone. Other expenses such as food, toiletries, clothes, etc. those things I have to get myself. Staff here is required to have a minimum of $400 a month coming in that sounds like a lot, but if you add up all the expenses for staff fees and everything else you will see that it is just the right amount. For the last four years I have been trying to find enough people to support me so I can have that much coming in. Two years ago I had six people supporting me. Which was bringing in $225 a month. I was able to put money in to my savings account and save up some money, but then when the economy got bad one by one my supporters could not support me. Right now I have three supporters one of my supporters is supporting me with $500 every five month so my total amount coming in is $100 a month plus $500 every five months, the $500 comes in handy for if I have over due staff fee's. I believe God wants me to be here at YWAM Northwoods so I am writing this detailed support letter because I feel God will use it to help me build up a support team so I can continue doing his work here. Finding supporters is not just for bringing in money it is also to build a team where we support each other in prayer.
If you need to get in contact with me my email is and my phone number is 715-353-2280 which is the campus phone. I also have a (Face Book) page. To find me type (Samuel John Ducat)
Thank you for taking the time to r
ead this support letter, and I hope to hear from you.